miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


I can’t belive what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up

Baby you gave up, you gave up

Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?

I’ll never talk again

Oh boy you’ve left me speechless

You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love

So baby raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts

Of all my wrecked up friends

And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to

Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?
And after all the boys and girls
that we’ve been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?

Some men may follow me
But you choose “death and company”

Why you so speechless?

1 comentario:

  1. hola soy del blog de http://gagainthedark.blogspot.com/ y dejaste un comentario del disco cherrytree sessions preguntando si lo tenian en las disquerias y agradezco tu comentario y dejame decirte que como yo soy de mexico lo pedi en una tienda tambien de discos pero alla en Argentina busca en las disquerias si lo tienen por medio de importacion por que solo ha salido de forma fisica en mexico y estados unidos o sino en mercado libre hasta luego y me gusto tu blog
